When it comes to picking winter produce, you want to learn how to pick options in the grocery store. This way, you can ensure you get the best quality available.

But when it comes to choosing seasonal produce, you might notice a difference in the process. So, what should you look out for when making choices for the winter?

Keep reading to learn about a few things you should consider.

Physical Appearance

No matter what type of produce you look for, one of the most important things to look at is the physical appearance. It’s also the easiest way to tell if fruits and vegetables are still fresh.

You want to pay close attention to the texture and color of the food. As much as possible, it should appear firm, smooth, and rich. Depending on the type of fruit or vegetable, it will likely have a dark hue.

It helps to know what your options look like when they decay to help you know what to avoid. Moreover, you should avoid those that have a powder feel or look to them.

Seasonal Produce

Most people recommend learning what specific produce options are available for the winter season. This way, you can determine which of them was harvested recently, meaning they are likely to stay fresh longer.

At the same time, some of them could handle the existing weather conditions better than those harvested during earlier seasons. You might even find a few that give off stronger flavors.

A few options you want to consider include the following:

  • Brussel Sprouts: These are small vegetables that have a cabbage-like feel, making them easy to add into different dishes.
  • Beetroots: You can prepare beetroots in several ways, whether as a main dish or side. Regardless, it offers nutrients and color to every meal.
  • Parsnips: Parsnips are a popular winter veggie for a reason, such as their versatility when it comes to cooking style.
  • Cranberries: These are one of the most common winter fruits. Moreover, it offers lots of antioxidants and health benefits.
  • Grapefruit: Several citrus grow during the winter season, including grapefruit, making it a great way to add tanginess to your meals.
  • Kale: You can enjoy kale in lots of ways, such as soups and salads. It’s also known as one of the most nutrient-dense veggies available.
  • Avocados: Avocados are a popular fruit for the nutritional value they provide and how it can substitute for other ingredients.

Current Storage

No matter how fresh you buy your produce, the way they’re stored can affect how long they last. It doesn’t only apply to how you store it after purchase but also how you find it in store.

Make sure you pick options that are properly sealed and stored correctly for the type of fruit or vegetable they are. This way, you have a good start and can look into ways to maintain it.

Choose the Best Winter Produce Yourself

It’s good to learn how to choose winter produce on your own. So, you can pick out the freshest and best quality options available at the grocery store.

Keep in mind that it helps to pick a grocery that offers fresh produce everyday. Even so, you want to know how to specifically select your options for better chances!